A tree is a hierarchical data structure where data is stored in nodes interconnected via some edges. A General Tree can have any number of nodes. A Binary Tree is a type of tree where each node has at max two child nodes. A Binary Search Tree or BST is a binary tree where the left child is less than the right child. If the difference between the height of the left subtree and the right subtree of a BST is not more than one then, that tree is called Balanced BST. An AVL tree is a binary search tree that is height-balanced for each node. The following Venn diagram is a visual aid for better understanding. Learning everything about AVL trees at once is a tedious task. So to ease the pace of learning the whole blog is divided into 3 different blog series. The content of the three blogs are: Introduction to AVL Trees Insertion in AVL Trees Deletion in AVL Trees In this article, we’ll learn about insertio...